Deliberations On SB.556, AB.537 and SB.378
- SB.556: the “Destroy Local Control & Child Endangerment” Wireless Bill
- AB.537: the “Deemed Approved, Deemed Permit-Issued” Wireless Bill
- SB.378: the “Cheap Micro-Trenching & No Public Access to Fiber” Bill
Title | Last | First | Full | Party | District | Building | Room | City | Tel |
Asm. | Aguiar-Curry | Cecilia | Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry | D | District 04 | State Capitol | Room 5144 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0004 | (916) 319-2004 |
Sen. | Allen | Benjamin | Benjamin Allen | D | District 26 | State Capitol | Room 4076 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4026 |
Asm. | Arambula | Joaquin | Dr. Joaquin Arambula | D | District 31 | State Capitol | Room 5155 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0031 | (916) 319-2031 |
Sen. | Archuleta | Bob | Bob Archuleta | D | District 32 | State Capitol | Room 5066 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4032 |
Sen. | Atkins | Toni | Toni G. Atkins | D | District 39 | State Capitol | Room 205 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4039 |
Sen. | Bates | Patricia | Patricia C. Bates | R | District 36 | State Capitol | Room 3063 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4036 |
Asm. | Bauer-Kahan | Rebecca | Rebecca Bauer-Kahan | D | District 16 | State Capitol | Room 2130 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0016 | (916) 319-2016 |
Sen. | Becker | Josh | Josh Becker | D | District 13 | State Capitol | Room 3076 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4013 |
Asm. | Bennett | Steve | Steve Bennett | D | District 37 | State Capitol | Room 4164 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0037 | (916) 319-2037 |
Asm. | Berman | Marc | Marc Berman | D | District 24 | State Capitol | Room 3123 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0024 | (916) 319-2024 |
Asm. | Bigelow | Frank | Frank Bigelow | R | District 05 | State Capitol | Room 4158 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0005 | (916) 319-2005 |
Asm. | Bloom | Richard | Richard Bloom | D | District 50 | State Capitol | Room 2003 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0050 | (916) 319-2050 |
Asm. | Boerner-Horvath | Tasha | Tasha Boerner Horvath | D | District 76 | State Capitol | Room 4130 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0076 | (916) 319-2076 |
Sen. | Borgeas | Andreas | Andreas Borgeas | R | District 08 | State Capitol | Room 3082 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4008 |
Sen. | Bradford | Steven | Steven Bradford | D | District 35 | State Capitol | Room 2059 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4035 |
Asm. | Burke | Autumn | Autumn R. Burke | D | District 62 | State Capitol | Room 5150 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0062 | (916) 319-2062 |
Sen. | Caballero | Anna | Anna M. Caballero | D | District 12 | State Capitol | Room 5052 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4012 |
Asm. | Calderon | Lisa | Lisa Calderon | D | District 57 | State Capitol | Room 2137 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0057 | (916) 319-2057 |
Asm. | Carrillo | Wendy | Wendy Carrillo | D | District 51 | State Capitol | Room 4167 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0051 | (916) 319-2051 |
Asm. | Cervantes | Sabrina | Sabrina Cervantes | D | District 60 | State Capitol | Room 2175 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0060 | (916) 319-2060 |
Asm. | Chau | Ed | Ed Chau | D | District 49 | State Capitol | Room 5016 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0049 | (916) 319-2049 |
Asm. | Chen | Phillip | Phillip Chen | R | District 55 | State Capitol | Room 4177 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0055 | (916) 319-2055 |
Asm. | Chiu | David | David Chiu | D | District 17 | State Capitol | Room 4112 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0017 | (916) 319-2017 |
Asm. | Choi | Steven | Steven S. Choi, Ph.D. | R | District 68 | State Capitol | Room 2016 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0068 | (916) 319-2068 |
Asm. | Cooley | Ken | Ken Cooley | D | District 08 | State Capitol | Room 3013 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0008 | (916) 319-2008 |
Asm. | Cooper | Jim | Jim Cooper | D | District 09 | State Capitol | Room 6025 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0009 | (916) 319-2009 |
Sen. | Cortese | Dave | Dave Cortese | D | District 15 | State Capitol | Room 3070 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4015 |
Asm. | Cunningham | Jordan | Jordan Cunningham | R | District 35 | State Capitol | Room 4102 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0035 | (916) 319-2035 |
Asm. | Dahle | Megan | Megan Dahle | R | District 01 | State Capitol | Room 4116 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0001 | (916) 319-2001 |
Sen. | Dahle | Brian | Brian Dahle | R | District 01 | State Capitol | Room 2054 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4001 |
Asm. | Daly | Tom | Tom Daly | D | District 69 | State Capitol | Room 3120 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0069 | (916) 319-2069 |
Asm. | Davies | Laurie | Laurie Davies | R | District 73 | State Capitol | Room 3141 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0073 | (916) 319-2073 |
Sen. | Dodd | Bill | Bill Dodd | D | District 03 | State Capitol | Room 2082 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4003 |
Sen. | Eggman | Susan | Susan Talamantes Eggman | D | District 05 | State Capitol | Room 4052 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4005 |
Sen. | Elena Durazo | María | María Elena Durazo | D | District 24 | State Capitol | Room 2032 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4024 |
Asm. | Flora | Heath | Heath Flora | R | District 12 | State Capitol | Room 3098 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0012 | (916) 319-2012 |
Asm. | Fong | Vince | Vince Fong | R | District 34 | State Capitol | Room 2002 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0034 | (916) 319-2034 |
Asm. | Frazier | Jim | Jim Frazier | D | District 11 | State Capitol | Room 3091 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0011 | (916) 319-2011 |
Asm. | Friedman | Laura | Laura Friedman | D | District 43 | State Capitol | Room 6011 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0043 | (916) 319-2043 |
Asm. | Gabriel | Jesse | Jesse Gabriel | D | District 45 | State Capitol | Room 4117 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0045 | (916) 319-2045 |
Asm. | Gallagher | James | James Gallagher | R | District 03 | State Capitol | Room 2158 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0003 | (916) 319-2003 |
Asm. | Garcia | Cristina | Cristina Garcia | D | District 58 | State Capitol | Room 2013 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0058 | (916) 319-2058 |
Asm. | Garcia | Eduardo | Eduardo Garcia | D | District 56 | State Capitol | Room 4140 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0056 | (916) 319-2056 |
Asm. | Gipson | Mike A. | Mike A. Gipson | D | District 64 | State Capitol | Room 3173 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0064 | (916) 319-2064 |
Sen. | Glazer | Steven | Steven M. Glazer | D | District 07 | State Capitol | Room 5108 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4007 |
Asm. | Gonzalez | Lorena | Lorena Gonzalez | D | District 80 | State Capitol | Room 2114 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0080 | (916) 319-2080 |
Sen. | Gonzalez | Lena | Lena A. Gonzalez | D | District 33 | State Capitol | Room 2068 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4033 |
Asm. | Gray | Adam | Adam C. Gray | D | District 21 | State Capitol | Room 3152 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0021 | (916) 319-2021 |
Asm. | Grayson | Timothy | Timothy S. Grayson | D | District 14 | State Capitol | Room 6031 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0014 | (916) 319-2014 |
Sen. | Grove | Shannon | Shannon Grove | R | District 16 | State Capitol | Room 3048 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4016 |
Sen. | Hertzberg | Robert | Robert M. Hertzberg | D | District 18 | State Capitol | Room 313 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4018 |
Asm. | Holden | Chris R | Chris R. Holden | D | District 41 | State Capitol | Room 5132 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0041 | (916) 319-2041 |
Sen. | Hueso | Ben | Ben Hueso | D | District 40 | State Capitol | Room 4035 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4040 |
Sen. | Hurtado | Melissa | Melissa Hurtado | D | District 14 | State Capitol | Room 4032 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4014 |
Asm. | Irwin | Jacqui | Jacqui Irwin | D | District 44 | State Capitol | Room 5119 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0044 | (916) 319-2044 |
Sen. | Jones | Brian | Brian W. Jones | R | District 38 | State Capitol | Room 4088 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4038 |
Asm. | Jones-Sawyer | Reginald | Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr. | D | District 59 | State Capitol | Room 2117 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0059 | (916) 319-2059 |
Asm. | Kalra | Ash | Ash Kalra | D | District 27 | State Capitol | Room 2196 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0027 | (916) 319-2027 |
Sen. | Kamlager | Sydney | Sydney Kamlager | D | District 30 | State Capitol | Room 4062 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4030 |
Asm. | Kiley | Kevin | Kevin Kiley | R | District 06 | State Capitol | Room 5128 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0006 | (916) 319-2006 |
Asm. | Lackey | Tom | Tom Lackey | R | District 36 | State Capitol | Room 2174 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0036 | (916) 319-2036 |
Sen. | Laird | John | John Laird | D | District 17 | State Capitol | Room 4040 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4017 |
Asm. | Lee | Alex | Alex Lee | D | District 25 | State Capitol | Room 2170 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0025 | (916) 319-2025 |
Asm. | Levine | Marc | Marc Levine | D | District 10 | State Capitol | Room 5135 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0010 | (916) 319-2010 |
Sen. | Leyva | Connie | Connie M. Leyva | D | District 20 | State Capitol | Room 4061 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4020 |
Sen. | Limón | Monique | Monique Limón | D | District 19 | State Capitol | Room 3092 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4019 |
Asm. | Low | Evan | Evan Low | D | District 28 | State Capitol | Room 4126 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0028 | (916) 319-2028 |
Asm. | Maienschein | Brian | Brian Maienschein | D | District 77 | State Capitol | Room 4139 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0077 | (916) 319-2077 |
Asm. | Mathis | Devon J. | Devon J. Mathis | R | District 26 | State Capitol | Room 2111 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0026 | (916) 319-2026 |
Asm. | Mayes | Chad | Chad Mayes | I | District 42 | State Capitol | Room 4098 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0042 | (916) 319-2042 |
Asm. | McCarty | Kevin | Kevin McCarty | D | District 07 | State Capitol | Room 2136 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0007 | (916) 319-2007 |
Sen. | McGuire | Mike | Mike McGuire | D | District 02 | State Capitol | Room 5061 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4002 |
Asm. | Medina | Jose | Jose Medina | D | District 61 | State Capitol | Room 2141 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0061 | (916) 319-2061 |
Sen. | Melendez | Melissa | Melissa A. Melendez | R | District 28 | State Capitol | Room 4082 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4028 |
Sen. | Min | Dave | Dave Min | D | District 37 | State Capitol | Room 2048 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4037 |
Asm. | Mullin | Kevin | Kevin Mullin | D | District 22 | State Capitol | Room 3160 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0022 | (916) 319-2022 |
Asm. | Muratsuchi | Al | Al Muratsuchi | D | District 66 | State Capitol | Room 2179 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0066 | (916) 319-2066 |
Asm. | Nazarian | Adrin | Adrin Nazarian | D | District 46 | State Capitol | Room 4146 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0046 | (916) 319-2046 |
Sen. | Newman | Josh | Josh Newman | D | District 29 | State Capitol | Room 4066 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4029 |
Asm. | Nguyen | Janet | Janet Nguyen | R | District 72 | State Capitol | Room 4153 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0072 | (916) 319-2072 |
Sen. | Nielsen | Jim | Jim Nielsen | R | District 04 | State Capitol | Room 5064 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4004 |
Asm. | O’Donnell | Patrick | Patrick O’Donnell | D | District 70 | State Capitol | Room 4001 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0070 | (916) 319-2070 |
Sen. | Ochoa Bogh | Rosilicie | Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh | D | District 23 | State Capitol | Room 3056 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4023 |
Sen. | Pan | Richard | Richard Pan | D | District 06 | State Capitol | Room 5114 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4006 |
Asm. | Patterson | Jim | Jim Patterson | R | District 23 | State Capitol | Room 3132 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0023 | (916) 319-2023 |
Asm. | Petrie-Norris | Cottie | Cottie Petrie-Norris | D | District 74 | State Capitol | Room 4144 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0074 | (916) 319-2074 |
Sen. | Portantino | Anthony | Anthony J. Portantino | D | District 25 | State Capitol | Room 5050 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4025 |
Asm. | Quirk | Bill | Bill Quirk | D | District 20 | State Capitol | Room 2163 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0020 | (916) 319-2020 |
Asm. | Quirk-Silva | Sharon | Sharon Quirk-Silva | D | District 65 | State Capitol | Room 6012 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0065 | (916) 319-2065 |
Asm. | Ramos | James | James C. Ramos | D | District 40 | State Capitol | Room 2176 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0040 | (916) 319-2040 |
Asm. | Rendon | Anthony | Anthony Rendon | D | District 63 | State Capitol | Room 219 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0063 | (916) 319-2063 |
Asm. | Reyes | Eloise | Eloise Gómez Reyes | D | District 47 | State Capitol | Room 319 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0047; | (916) 319-2047 |
Asm. | Rivas | Luz | Luz M. Rivas | D | District 39 | State Capitol | Room 3126 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0039 | (916) 319-2039 |
Asm. | Rivas | Robert | Robert Rivas | D | District 30 | State Capitol | Room 5158 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0030 | (916) 319-2030 |
Asm. | Rodriguez | Freddie | Freddie Rodriguez | D | District 52 | State Capitol | Room 2188 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0052 | (916) 319-2052 |
Sen. | Roth | Richard | Richard D. Roth | D | District 31 | State Capitol | Room 2080 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4031 |
Asm. | Rubio | Blanca | Blanca E. Rubio | D | District 48 | State Capitol | Room 5175 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0048 | (916) 319-2048 |
Sen. | Rubio | Susan | Susan Rubio | D | District 22 | State Capitol | Room 5035 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4022 |
Asm. | Salas | Rudy | Rudy Salas, Jr. | D | District 32 | State Capitol | Room 4016 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0032 | (916) 319-2032 |
Asm. | Santiago | Miguel | Miguel Santiago | D | District 53 | State Capitol | Room 6027 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0053 | (916) 319-2053 |
Asm. | Seyarto | Kelly | Kelly Seyarto | R | District 67 | State Capitol | Room 5164 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0067 | (916) 319-2067 |
Sen. | Skinner | Nancy | Nancy Skinner | D | District 09 | State Capitol | Room 5094 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4009 |
Asm. | Smith | Thurston | Thurston “Smitty” Smith | R | District 33 | State Capitol | Room 4015 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0033 | (916) 319-2033 |
Sen. | Stern | Henry | Henry I. Stern | D | District 27 | State Capitol | Room 5080 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4027 |
Asm. | Stone | Mark | Mark Stone | D | District 29 | State Capitol | Room 3146 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0029 | (916) 319-2029 |
Asm. | Ting | Philip | Philip Y. Ting | D | District 19 | State Capitol | Room 6026 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0019 | (916) 319-2019 |
Sen. | Umberg | Thomas | Thomas J. Umberg | D | District 34 | State Capitol | Room 5097 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4034 |
Asm. | Valladares | Suzette | Suzette Martinez Valladares | R | District 38 | State Capitol | Room 3149 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0038 | (916) 319-2038 |
Asm. | Villapudua | Carlos | Carlos Villapudua | D | District 13 | State Capitol | Room 4162 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0013 | (916) 319-2013 |
Asm. | Voepel | Randy | Randy Voepel | R | District 71 | State Capitol | Room 4009 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0071 | (916) 319-2071 |
Asm. | Waldron | Marie | Marie Waldron | R | District 75 | State Capitol | Room 3104 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0075 | (916) 319-2075 |
Asm. | Ward | Christopher | Christopher M. Ward | D | District 78 | State Capitol | Room 2160 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0078 | (916) 319-2078 |
Asm. | Wicks | Buffy | Buffy Wicks | D | District 15 | State Capitol | Room 5160 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0015 | (916) 319-2015 |
Sen. | Wieckowski | Bob | Bob Wieckowski | D | District 10 | State Capitol | Room 4085 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4010 |
Sen. | Wiener | Scott | Scott D. Wiener | D | District 11 | State Capitol | Room 5100 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4011 |
Sen. | Wilk | Scott | Scott Wilk | R | District 21 | State Capitol | Room 305 | Sacramento, CA 95814-4900 | (916) 651-4021 |
Asm. | Wood | Jim | Jim Wood | D | District 02 | State Capitol | Room 6005 | Sacramento, CA 94249-0002 | (916) 319-2002 |
I. Public Testimony
July 8, 2021 Testimony Opposing AB.537, the “Deemed Approved, Deemed Permit-Issued” Wireless Bill
1. Cheryl S Testimony at the Senate Governance and Finance Committee
Thank you honorable Mike McGuire and esteemed members. Please ask me questions after my testimony.
I attest and affirm that these statements are true, accurate and within my personal knowledge.
I’m Dr. Cheryl S. My PhD is in Business Administration and Financial Management, and I’ve been working through my TV show and podcasts for nine years to promote the safety of life and property – the exact purpose of the Telecommunications Act, under which AB.537 falls, but which AB.537 violates. As a fourth-generation Californian and a direct descendant of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, one of the signatories of the US Constitution, I also intend to ensure that our federal and state constitutions remain intact. However, AB.537 is clearly in violation of both, in offering an open-ended contract for FCC to do whatever it may want in perpetuity.
AB.537, SB 556, and SB 378 – and related bills are not just an affront to Contract Law: they also sabotage the local control guaranteed by the US Congress. These bills would harm our cities, threatening residents’ public safety, privacy and freedom from warrantless surveillance. The Senate knows these Bills are not of, by, or for the People, but rather bills written by ALEC and Industry lawyers rushed forward to avoid public scrutiny.
We-the-People want wired broadband service – fiber-optics to the premises — for which we’ve already paid on our phone bills from 1995 to the present . . . NOT hazardous wireless broadband deployed far too close to homes using excessive power. You must abide by Title 47 U.S.C. §324, Use of Minimum Power, which states:
“In all circumstances . . . all radio stations. . . shall use the minimum amount of power necessary to carry out the communication desired.”
Yes, every Wireless Telecommunications Facility is a fixed radio station with frequencies licensed from the FCC. Section 324 applies.
California State Public Health Officer and the Director of CDPH — Dr. Tomás Aragón is a mandated reporter for conditions of child endangerment and Dr. Aragón, was informed on October 22, 2019, of child endangering conditions created by wireless infrastructure in San Francisco and Sacramento. Five months after losing an appeal of a so-called small cell and the woman living there needed emergency surgery to remove a bloody-mass from her brain, forcing her to move. In Sacramento, children sickened within three weeks of powering on the cell tower in front of their home. This is real evidence — stated by Doctors — real endangerment.
It is critically important that Dr. Aragón, address this BEFORE any more votes are taken on SB.556, AB.537 or SB.378. The CA Legislature can simply postpone further deliberations on until January 2022, making them two-year bills.
2. Alex K Testimony at the Senate Governance and Finance Committee
Chair McGuire and esteemed members, thank you for your time today.
My name is Alex K. I am a licensed physical therapist and founder of Safe Technology for Santa Rosa. After years of hard work and community support, just last week Santa Rosa passed a protective small cell ordinance. Please don’t take that away.
Wireless of any “G ” is cheap, third-rate broadband infrastructure — far inferior to fiber optic or cable service directly to homes.
Wireless infrastructure is not reliably fast enough and NOT symmetric. An important concept to understand-it must have the same speed down and up. Who says that? The Dept of Treasury in their June 2021 funding requirements for broadband Corona virus recovery funds. Wireless broadband can’t meet this standard.According to Ookla Speedcheck and PC Magazine in 2021, 5G is no faster than 4G and its asymmetric upload speeds are a small fraction of its download speeds. What is needed for federal broadband funding is 100 Megabits down (what I receive) and 100 up (what I send).
Only cable or fiber to the home can do this. Wireless can’t reliably do this. It is not future proof. As we continue to require more and more bandwidth for our economy and education, it will be impossible for wireless to keep up.
Wireless uses microwave radiation (a proven carcinogen, neurotoxin and immunosuppresor) through-the-air to send/receive data, but fiber optics uses visible light through a cable to send/receive data. The difference between wireless and fiber optic frequencies are a million times — this means fiber optic can carry a million times more data than wireless can.
AB.537 will be a deemed-approved nightmare for localities. It will pit millions of Californians against their cities and counties — local governments that are obligated to deliver actual public safety and quiet enjoyment of streets. Californians do not want their neighborhoods flooded with cell towers outside their bedroom windows. Do you want this for you and your family?
Senators, please understand the FCC shot clocks for so-called small cells were ruled by the Ninth Circuit to be presumptive only — that means they are statements of FCC preferences, not federal law.
Don’t let the wireless industry bamboozle you. AB.537 is attempting to turn weak FCC preferences into concrete state law.
Trusting the sponsors of these bills, the Wireless Cos. to make good on contractually unenforceable promises is simply repeating the broken-promise playbook of the last 30 years. What we got in the last 30 years was revealed by the pandemic: higher prices, degrading quality of service and over two million kids who could not connect to attend school.
So AB537 will in large part leave kids, mostly minorities, right where they are today &mdash on the wrong side of the Digital Divide.
Please do the right thing–Vote No on this deemed-approved nightmare and go back to the drawing board and find a way to truly provide Californians affordable broadband to bridge the Digital Divide.
FTTP — Fiber Optics to the Premises is the answer.
II. Legislators’ Transcripts
2021 Senator Bill Dodd SB.556 Presentation/Q&A
- A. Apr 19: CA Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- B. Apr 22: CA Senate Governance & Finance Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- C. May 17: Missed CA Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing (canceled)
00:00 — “this”
- D. June 9: CA Assembly Local Government Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- E. July 7: CA Assembly Communications & Conveyance Committee Hearing (coming)
00:00 — “this”
- F. July X: CA Assembly Appropriations Committee Hearing (coming)
00:00 — “this”
Senator Bill Quirk AB.537 Presentation/Q&A
- A. Apr 14: CA Assembly Local Government Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- B. Apr 28: CA Assembly Communications & Conveyance Committee Hearing on AB 537
00:00 — “this”
- C. May 19: CA Assembly Appropriations Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- D. June 21: CA Senate Local Government Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- E. July 8: CA Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee Hearing (coming)
00:00 — “this”
- F. July x: CA Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing (coming)
Senator Lena Gonzalez SB.378 Presentation/Q&A
- A. Apr 8: CA Senate Governance & Finance Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- B. Apr 26: CA Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee Hearing (canceled)
00:00 — “this”
- C. May 17: Missed CA Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- D. June 9: CA Assembly Local Government Committee Hearing
00:00 — “this”
- E. July 7: CA Assembly Communications & Conveyance Committee Hearing (coming)
00:00 — “this”
- F. July X: CA Assembly Appropriations Committee Hearing (coming)
II. Analysis
Opposition Correspondence
- Link to April 14, 2021 Wire California letter
- Link to April 14, 2021 Harry Lehmann letter
- Link to May 10, 2021 Harry Lehmann letter
- Link to June 1, 2021 Gary Widman letter
- Link to June 8, 2021 Gary Widman letter
- Link to July 5, 2021 Wire California binder
III. Chronology
SB.556 Bill Events
Date | Event |
02/18/21 | Introduced. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. To print. |
02/19/21 | From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 21. |
02/22/21 | (Ayes 32. Noes 4.) |
02/22/21 | Art. IV. Sec. 8(a) of the Constitution dispensed with. |
02/22/21 | Joint Rule 55 suspended. (Ayes 32. Noes 4. Page 272.) |
03/03/21 | Referred to Sen. Committee on Energy, Utilties & Communications (SEUC) |
03/16/21 | From committee with author’s amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on E., U. & C. |
03/26/21 | Set for SEUC hearing April 19. |
04/12/21 | From committee with author’s amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on E., U. & C. |
04/19/21 | Sen. Energy, Utilties & Communications Committee Hearing: (April 19). Re-referred to Com. on RLS. |
04/20/21 | From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Commmittee on Rules. (Ayes 11. Noes 1. Page 842.) |
04/21/21 | Re-referred to Sen. Committee on Governance & Finance (SGF) |
04/21/21 | Set for GFC hearing April 22. |
04/22/21 | Sen. Governance & Finance Committee Hearing |
04/26/21 | From committee: Do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 4. Noes 1. Page 896.) (April 22). |
04/27/21 | Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Sen. Committee on Appropriations. |
04/30/21 | Set for hearing May |
05/04/21 | From committee with author’s amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Sen. Committee on Appropriations |
05/10/21 | From committee: Be ordered to second reading pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8. |
05/11/21 | Senate Floor: Read second time. Ordered to third reading. |
05/13/21 | Senate Floor: Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 31. Noes 2. Page 1091.) Ordered to the Assembly. |
05/13/21 | In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. |
05/14/21 | Shenanigans |
05/17/21 | Missed a hearing in Appropriations Committee |
05/20/21 | Referred to Assembly Committee on Local Government and Committee on Communications & Conveyance |
06/09/21 | Asm. Local Government Committee Hearing |
06/10/21 | From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on C. & C. (Ayes 7. Noes 0.) (June 9). Re-referred to Com. on C. & C. |
07/07/21 | tbd – Asm. Communications & Conveyance Committee Hearing |
07/YY/21 | tbd – Asm. Appropriations Committee Hearing |
XX/YY/21 | tbd – Assembly Floor Vote |
AB.537 Bill Events
Date | Event |
02/10/21 | Read first time. To print. |
02/11/21 | From printer. May be heard in committee March 13. |
03/11/21 | From committee chair, with author’s amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Com. on L. GOV. Read second time and amended. |
03/11/21 | Referred to Asm. Committee on Local Government and Committee on Communications & Conveyance |
03/15/21 | Re-referred to Asm. Committee on Local Government |
03/30/21 | From committee chair, with author’s amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Asm. Committee on Local Government. Read second time and amended. |
04/05/21 | Re-referred to Asm. Committee on Local Government |
04/14/21 | Asm. Local Government Committee Hearing |
04/15/21 | From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Committee on Communications & Conveyance Com. (Ayes 8. Noes 0.) (April 14). Re-referred to Committee on Communications & Conveyance |
04/28/21 | Asm. Communications & Conveyance Committee Hearing |
04/29/21 | From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Asm. Committee on Appropriations. (Ayes 13. Noes 0.) (April 28). Re-referred to Asm. Committee on Appropriations. |
05/19/21 | Asm. Appropriations Committee Hearing |
05/19/21 | From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 14. Noes 0.) (May 19). |
05/20/21 | Assembly Floor: Read second time. Ordered to third reading. |
05/27/21 | Assembly Floor: Read third time and amended. Ordered to third reading. |
06/01/21 | Assembly Floor: Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. (Ayes 74. Noes 1.) |
06/02/21 | In Senate. Read first time. To Sen. Committee on Rules for assignment. |
06/09/21 | Referred to Sen. Committee on Energy, Utilties & Communications and Committee on Governance & Finance |
06/21/21 | Sen. Energy, Utilties & Communications Committee Hearing: |
06/22/21 | From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on GOV. & F. (Ayes 10. Noes 0.) (June 21). Re-referred to Sen. Committee on Governance & Finance |
07/01/21 | From committee chair, with author’s amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Sen. Committee on Governance & Finance |
07/YY/21 | tbd – Sen. Governance & Finance Committee Hearing |
07/YY/21 | tbd – Sen. Appropriations Committee Hearing |
XX/YY/21 | tbd – Senate Floor Vote |
AB.378 Bill Events
Date | Event |
02/10/21 | Introduced. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. To print. |
02/11/21 | From printer. May be acted upon on or after March 13. |
02/17/21 | Referred to Committee on Governance & Finance and Committee on Energy, Utilties & Communications |
02/22/21 | (Ayes 32. Noes 4.) |
02/22/21 | Art. IV. Sec. 8(a) of the Constitution dispensed with. |
02/22/21 | Joint Rule 55 suspended. (Ayes 32. Noes 4. Page 272.) |
03/24/21 | Set for hearing April 8. |
04/08/21 | Sen. Governance & Finance Committee Hearing |
04/08/21 | From committee: Do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on E., U. & C. (Ayes 5. Noes 0. Page 727.) (April 8). |
04/12/21 | Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee on Energy, Utilties & Communications |
04/16/21 | Set for hearing April 26. |
04/26/21 | Sen. Energy, Utilties & Communications Committee Hearing: |
05/03/21 | From committee: Do pass as amended and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 13. Noes 0. Page 915.) (April 26). |
05/04/21 | Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee on Appropriations. |
05/07/21 | Set for hearing May 17. |
05/14/21 | Shenanigans |
05/17/21 | Missed a hearing in Appropriations Committee |
05/17/21 | From committee: Be ordered to second reading pursuant to Senate Rule 28.8. |
05/18/21 | Senate Floor: Read second time. Ordered to third reading. |
05/20/21 | Senate Floor: Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 35. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. |
05/20/21 | In Assembly. Read first time. Held at Desk. |
05/28/21 | Referred Committee on Local Government and Committee on Communications & Conveyance |
06/09/21 | Asm. Local Government Committee Hearing |
06/10/21 | From committee: Do pass as amended and re-refer to Committee on Communications & Conveyance (Ayes 8. Noes 0.) (June 9). |
06/14/21 | Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on C. & C. |
06/29/21 | From committee with author’s amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Committee on Communications & Conveyance |
07/07/21 | tbd – Asm. Communications & Conveyance Committee Hearing |
07/YY/21 | tbd – Asm. Appropriations Committee Hearing |
XX/YY/21 | tbd – Assembly Floor Vote |